Friday, August 10, 2012

Ati tribe

Okay, I'm sure I'll stop posting as often once this becomes the new norm for me, but for now, bear with me as I share about every little thing!

As soon as I posted my last blog, I left to meet some of our group at the school and then we left from there for Panay Island.  There, we got some groceries and headed up the hill/small mountain to visit the Ati tribe.  While an Ati woman cooked the food, we played with kids and one of our girls read them the Bible story about Jesus and the leper.  Then they colored a sheet to go along with the story.  After a couple hours, their food was ready.  I gotta tell you it actually looked really delicious!  It was some sort of soup with chicken and vegetables, but I don't really know what the broth was.  Looked yummy, though!

To backtrack, when we first got there, we visited a little eleven year old girl who had broken her femur falling out of a tree.  She was laying in their little, hot home, and although she was wrapped in a blanket (so hot!), I know she had a cast on.  She doesn't have any crutches, though, and has just been laying there for over three weeks and has two more weeks to go before getting her cast off.  Can you imagine an eleven year old being confined to one spot, not being able to move?  Crazy.

Change of subject again, if you're curious about the weather, it is pretty hot, probably upper eighties.  Doesn't sound too bad?  Well, let me add that it is HUMID and the ONLY place that has air conditioning is my room that I was hardly in today.  Good thing I'm not trying to look pretty here! :)

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