Sunday was a fun, normal day of church, getting to play a full court game of basketball with the other missionaries here, and playing card games.
Then Monday came! It seemed like a pretty normal day at first. I went to school, taught, and all was well. After school I went home and ate lunch, then took a great hour and a half nap. After I woke up, I felt a little nauseous but thought maybe it was from napping on a full stomach or something. I headed off to pilates at Shannon's house (she taught pilates back in Canada and has been doing it with whoever wants to for a few Mondays now). Along the way, I tripped on something and sprawled out over rocks and dirt in front of plenty of Filipinos! Generally, Filipinos are very hospitable, but when they see someone they assume to be a tourist make a fool of themselves, I imagine they probably find it funny. No one really asked if I was okay...I just got up and kept walking. I scraped up my toes a bit, got a scratch on my hand, and a couple of scrapes on my knee. Could have been worse.
I had hoped that by the time I got to Shannon's I would be feeling better. After all, I wasn't feeling that sick. I still felt a tad queesy but went ahead and started pilates with Shannon and Carla, still thinking that maybe I needed to just work off some of my food. I don't know what I was thinking. It's not like I'd eaten a ton, plus it's not normal to feel sick like that from a meal... Whatdya know, but we end up starting off with movements going up and down and up and down and it just wasn't the greatest feeling for me. After about ten minutes I decided to stop.
I relaxed for almost an hour until they were done and accepted some toast from Shannon. It had been a come and go feeling. I would feel great one minute and sick the next minute. Walking out the door of their house, I suddenly felt sick and sat on their step for a minute, but then started feeling better so Carla and I left. In fact, I started feeling GREAT! I was joking with Carla and showed her where I fell and was saying that all the people we were walking by probably recognized me as "the girl who fell," and told her I was pretending to be sick to get out of pilates ;) Carla asked me if I felt up to eating out with some of the others. I felt pretty good so I decided to go. By the time we got there, I was still feeling okay but not as great as I had been, so I just got a shake and sat there with them while they ate.
After eating, they all wanted to go get ice cream so I decided to head back. Carla asked me if I'd be okay, I said yes, and was on my way. Boy, I couldn't get back fast enough! There was one point along the way where I started scouting out a good place to throw up because I thought for sure I would. Thankfully, I made it back without any incidents.
I didn't have the energy to shower or change into pajamas, so I just went to bed in my clothes at about 7:30. At about 10:30, I woke up and, well, was sick. This is the first time I really wished I had a toilet that would flush "normally," rather than having to fill a bucket with water and pour it in...
I felt SO much better then, but went ahead and texted Shannon saying I wouldn't be at school today. I fell back to sleep around 11:30 and woke up at 8:00 this morning. Still feeling pretty good as I write this at noon here! I probably could have gone to school but I think the sleep was good for me.
Tomorrow is a United Nations school program they have every year here. We have rehearsal at 4:00, so I'll probably go to that. So thankful that it was just a 24-hour bug! At least, I'm still hoping that's all it was!
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